Established in 1977,
Retailers & Manufacturers is a distribution service company which
provides experienced management and dedicated employees to distribute a
wide variety of merchandise for a very prestigious client list.
With over two thousand
(2,000) employees, Retailers & Manufacturers, provides to its clients a
staff of experienced warehouse managers, customer service employees,
directing line supervision, warehouse personnel, accounting clericals to
help clients maintain accurate record keeping information about the
status of their product, and billing and inventory data clericals who
work with a very sophisticated inventory and merchandise location
control system.
As part of the
Retailers & Manufacturers all inclusive Business Package, R&M will
either lease a building for its clients, design, provide and install all
the necessary material handling systems, staff the facility, and provide
the data processing equipment necessary to distribute and control the
flow of merchandise. R&M will also provide these same services in
a customers overall facility and assume the full responsibility for its
operation. R&M will also provide a distribution labor leasing
program to its customers, of union and nonunion distribution employees
who will work in the customer facility.